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IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed

IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed


*Price exclusive of taxes and duties

IF MOVE不只是部折疊車、通勤車或是都會車,它是一個為了在都會環境騎行而打造的解決方案。 在流行的外表下,隱藏了實用性及不妥協的性能;IF MOVE提供了出眾的騎行感、快速直覺的收折及推行功能,它可在兩秒內折疊完成變身為不到十二公斤的隨身裝備! IF MOVE重新思考設計的價值。簡潔即美的概念,讓使用者自然而然的親近它、體驗它、炫耀它、使用它、時刻不離它。都會的風貌不斷改變,自行車亦如是 – 這就是我們創造IF MOVE的理由。IF MOVE獲得red dot紅點設計獎、IDEA設計獎及台灣精品獎。此版本為雙速皮帶版本。

IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed
Pacific IF MOVE AL7005/6061 single arm frame
Pacific IF MOVE AL7005 single arm fork
Maxxis DTH 20x1.5" (38-406) DK 110psi
Ball Bearings φ35x17x10mm
Alex DP17 20" 24H FV stanless single eyelet
AL7075 34.9x570mm 噴砂陽極黑色 w/隱藏式駐車架
Stainless steel 2.0mm (14G)
Speed Drive integrated
Chosen 24Hx14G sealed bearings for single arm frame
64T front belt sprocket composite w/170mm crank
Belt 1176x12mm rubber glassfiber
25T rear cog
Speed Drive dual speed system
Heel push bottom on BB axle
IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed
Pacific IF MOVE AL7005/6061 single arm frame
Pacific IF MOVE AL7005 single arm fork
Maxxis DTH 20x1.5" (38-406) DK 110psi
Ball Bearings φ35x17x10mm
Alex DP17 20" 24H FV stanless single eyelet
AL7075 34.9x570mm black anodized w/ integrated kickstand
Stainless steel 2.0mm (14G)
Speed Drive integrated
Chosen 24Hx14G sealed bearings for single arm frame
64T front belt sprocket composite w/170mm crank
Belt 1176x12mm rubber glassfiber
25T rear cog
Speed Drive dual speed system
Heel push bottom on BB axle
BIRDY Multi-Purpose Cover
BIRDY Multi-Purpose Cover
U DESIGN Multi-Purpose Adaptor
U DESIGN Multi-Purpose Adaptor
BIRDY Seatpost
BIRDY Seatpost
BIRDY Adjustable Kickstand
BIRDY Adjustable Kickstand
BIRDY Front Lowrider for Gen2 and New Classic BIRDY
BIRDY Front Lowrider for Gen2 and New Classic BIRDY
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 10D Black
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 10D Black
BIRDY Elastomer Green (Hard 95D)
BIRDY Elastomer Green (Hard 95D)
BIRDY Spring 8.5 Coil Black
BIRDY Spring 8.5 Coil Black
U DESIGN BIRDY F & R Suspension Set Black
U DESIGN BIRDY F & R Suspension Set Black
BIRDY Kickstand 18”(355)
BIRDY Kickstand 18”(355)
BIRDY One-piece Forging Stem Silver
BIRDY One-piece Forging Stem Silver
U DESIGN Caliper Brake Adaptor For Birdy (Black)
U DESIGN Caliper Brake Adaptor For Birdy (Black)
BIRDY Soft Case With Trolley Wheels
BIRDY Soft Case With Trolley Wheels
BIRDY Front Lowrider for Gen3
BIRDY Front Lowrider for Gen3
BIRDY Rear Carrier for Gen3
BIRDY Rear Carrier for Gen3
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 21D Black
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 21D Black
BIRDY Spring 10.5 Coil Red
BIRDY Spring 10.5 Coil Red
BIRDY 18" Tire
BIRDY 18" Tire
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 10D Silver
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 10D Silver
BIRDY Chain Tensioner
BIRDY Chain Tensioner
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 21D Silver
BIRDY Adjustable Forging Stem 21D Silver
U DESIGN BIRDY F & R Suspension Set Red/Black
U DESIGN BIRDY F & R Suspension Set Red/Black
BIRDY Rucsack
BIRDY Rucsack
BIRDY Trolley Wheel Set for Gen2
BIRDY Trolley Wheel Set for Gen2
BIRDY Mudguard Set
BIRDY Mudguard Set
BIRDY Elastomer Yellow (Soft 80D)
BIRDY Elastomer Yellow (Soft 80D)
BIRDY Spring 10.5 Coil Black
BIRDY Spring 10.5 Coil Black
BIRDY 18" Inner Tire
BIRDY 18" Inner Tire
BIRDY One-piece Forging Stem Black
BIRDY One-piece Forging Stem Black
BIRDY Front Wheel Stopper Set
BIRDY Front Wheel Stopper Set
BIRDY Frame Bag
BIRDY Frame Bag
BIRDY Trolley Wheel Set for Gen3
BIRDY Trolley Wheel Set for Gen3
BIRDY Mudguard Set
BIRDY Mudguard Set
BIRDY Elastomer Red (Medium 90D)
BIRDY Elastomer Red (Medium 90D)
BIRDY Spring 8.5 Coil Red
BIRDY Spring 8.5 Coil Red
U DESIGN BIRDY F & R Suspension Set Silver/Black
U DESIGN BIRDY F & R Suspension Set Silver/Black
BIRDY Kickstand 20”(406)
BIRDY Kickstand 20”(406)
Official Online Store
How to fold Birdy
How to unfold Birdy
Birdy Lifestyle 2020
2020 BIRDY 3X8 Feature video
2020 BIRDY GT Feature video
2020 BIRDY R Feature video
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