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IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed
*Price exclusive of taxes and duties

IF MOVE不只是部折疊車、通勤車或是都會車,它是一個為了在都會環境騎行而打造的解決方案。 在流行的外表下,隱藏了實用性及不妥協的性能;IF MOVE提供了出眾的騎行感、快速直覺的收折及推行功能,它可在兩秒內折疊完成變身為不到十二公斤的隨身裝備! IF MOVE重新思考設計的價值。簡潔即美的概念,讓使用者自然而然的親近它、體驗它、炫耀它、使用它、時刻不離它。都會的風貌不斷改變,自行車亦如是 – 這就是我們創造IF MOVE的理由。IF MOVE獲得red dot紅點設計獎、IDEA設計獎及台灣精品獎。此版本為雙速皮帶版本。
IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed | Pacific IF MOVE AL7005/6061 single arm frame | Pacific IF MOVE AL7005 single arm fork | Maxxis DTH 20x1.5" (38-406) DK 110psi | Ball Bearings φ35x17x10mm | Alex DP17 20" 24H FV stanless single eyelet | AL7075 34.9x570mm 噴砂陽極黑色 w/隱藏式駐車架 | Stainless steel 2.0mm (14G) | Speed Drive integrated | Chosen 24Hx14G sealed bearings for single arm frame | 64T front belt sprocket composite w/170mm crank | Belt 1176x12mm rubber glassfiber | 25T rear cog | Speed Drive dual speed system | Heel push bottom on BB axle | 折疊式 | |
IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed | Pacific IF MOVE AL7005/6061 single arm frame | Pacific IF MOVE AL7005 single arm fork | Maxxis DTH 20x1.5" (38-406) DK 110psi | Ball Bearings φ35x17x10mm | Alex DP17 20" 24H FV stanless single eyelet | AL7075 34.9x570mm black anodized w/ integrated kickstand | Stainless steel 2.0mm (14G) | Speed Drive integrated | Chosen 24Hx14G sealed bearings for single arm frame | 64T front belt sprocket composite w/170mm crank | Belt 1176x12mm rubber glassfiber | 25T rear cog | Speed Drive dual speed system | Heel push bottom on BB axle | Foldable |
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